Have you ever seen a person walking a well-behaved dog on a leash, and often wonder why you can’t stop your companion from pulling and zigzagging everywhere?
If you answer yes, we can tell you that with the right attitude and patience, you can teach your dog to remain calm while walking on the leash.
Why Do Dogs Pull on The Leash?
Excessive energy
Some dog breeds like the border collie or husky have a lot of pent-up energy, so it may be difficult to control themselves on the leash. It will require a lot of self-control for these dogs to walk without pulling, so it’s not practical to train an energetic dog without tiring them out first. Needing dog training? Spectrum Canine offers board and train for dogs in the bay area.
Don’t Know Proper Leash Etiquette
Dogs that have never received the proper training or have never worn a leash don’t realize that they are pulling. In our perspective, pressure around the neck would make you stop pulling to alleviate it. However, dogs think differently. Since a lot of dogs were originally bred to pull carts or heavy items, they will find this to be a normal and satisfying routine.
To Get Something
If a dog is focused on an object or another animal, they will definitely pull. This is especially true for dogs who walk on a loose leash, and there is no amount of training or exercise to stop them if a trigger or stimuli is present.
Fear or Anxiety
If your dog is terrified towards an environment or trigger, they are more likely to pull. This is mainly because they are trying to run away from the stimuli. Plus, a lot of dogs feel the pressure of the collar or harness around their body as the proper security for their anxiety, which is why they tend to pull harder when they are scared.
How do I stop my dog from pulling on the leash?
Eye Contact is a Good Thing
When it comes to communication, eye contact is important. Start rewarding your canine companion for making eye contact by walking on or off the leash in the house. Each time your dog looks at you, reward them with a treat. This helps establish dominance, authority, and brings your dog’s focus back to you if they ever pull.
Pulling Equals Stopping
If your dog starts walking in front of you, then stop immediately. When the leash becomes taut, then wait for the dog to make eye contact, and reward them.
You can encourage your companion to walk back towards you by going in the opposite direction that you were going. The goal of this training session is to let your dog know that if they stay by your side, then both will keep moving forward.
Avoid Distractions
It’s always important to train in an environment without any distractions. This is why training your dog at home with fewer distractions often leads to a higher chance of success. Once they get the hang of the leash, slowly transition them outside.
Improve your relationship with your dog
Every dog has different preferences when going out for a walk. For example, a beagle loves using their nose and prefers to sniff around more frequently.
The best way to improve your relationship with your four-legged friend is to compromise. For example, before letting your dog sniff around or doing what they love to do, ask them to sit and look at you. After that, they are free to sniff around.
Like any relationship, there is a give and take, so you can reward your dog for good behavior by allowing them to do what they enjoy to do.