Immersion Program Information
Bay Area Board and Train Packages for Dogs
Spectrum Canine’s most popular training package is the Immersion Program. The Immersion Program is a board-and-train style training in which you’re four legged pal stays in a trainer’s home for an extended period of time in order to receive intensive training. The idea behind the program is to immerse your canine into our structured and obedient lifestyle. This allows for bad behaviors to be curbed and good behaviors to be nurtured at an expedited pace. The Immersion Program has been extremely successful in raising perfect puppies, modifying negative behaviors and creating obedient companions.
Puppies in the Immersion Program
Is the Immersion Program the right thing for your puppy? Well, many families have chosen to raise their perfect puppy through the Immersion Program. Depending on the level of training you desire, Spectrum Canine can make the perfect program for your puppies. Either a few short stays throughout the puppies’ youth or an extended stay of a few months; whatever works best for your individual case.
The Spectrum Canine team makes it a priority to go the extra mile with puppies. Extra time is spent on proper socialization with other trained dogs, and confidence building in the real world. We normally do not take puppies until they are 16 weeks old but exceptions can be made.
Modifying Behavior
The Immersion Program is the best tool when it comes to behavior modification. Although it can be done in private lessons, most dogs with severe behavioral issues require more of an expert hand. When the dog stays with a trainer, the dog is exposed to both household and public distractions.
This allows for the trainer to experience and modify the dog’s behavior in many different settings.
One of the biggest questions we get is “how does the dog know to act different with us?” Well, truthfully, he doesn’t.
That is exactly why the turnover lesson is so important. You are shown how to reward good behavior, correct bad behavior and maintain the training we have instilled. The Immersion Program is NOT magic. It is simply a way for us to lay a strong foundation that you can continue to reach your dog’s best potential.
Your dog isn’t aggressive, he loves people but maybe just maybe you want him to respond to your commands a little bit better.
Maybe he will sit and lay down when you have a treat in front of you but could he do that no reward present in Downtown San Francisco?
Your dog is still the perfect candidate for our Immersion Program.
The idea is to take obedience to a whole new level. Be able to recall your dog mid stride chasing a squirrel. Be able to hike off leash with your furry friend. Enjoy coffee sitting outside a Starbucks with your dog laying calmly at your feet. With an Immersion Program and your continued repetitions this is completely possible.
How Long Is It?
We often get questions regarding the length of our Immersion Programs. Although we have 2 standard lengths of 4 and 8 weeks, we will recommend the custom and right fit for your dog.
Regardless of the dog, the longer he or she stays with us, the more we can teach. Certain behaviors like off leash and recalls definitely require a longer learning process because they are complex behaviors.
We have made it our mission to work at your dog’s pace and not squish training in to 2 weeks like we did in the past. Our goal is to take our time and do it right.
To learn more about our board and training package or to see if your dog is a perfect fit for this program click here to get a free evaluation.