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Signs and Symptoms That Your Dog Is In Pain


Spectrum Canine, The Bay Area’s #1 Dog Trainer, Call Now (510) 405-4766

Seeing their dog suffering is worst for pet parents and what’s even worse is that they can’t even understand what’s bothering their pet until they exhibit physical signs of pain, such as limping.

This is all because dogs don’t share the same language as humans. And their natural propensity to hide pain, a characteristic they developed during the years’ long evolutionary process, makes it difficult to know their feelings.

But, this doesn’t mean your beloved pet should suffer in silence. Here we share certain signs and symptoms that indicate your dog is in pain.

Physical Signs of Pain in Dogs

If you look closely, you may be able to notice certain changes in how your pooch walks or carries its body when in pain. These include:

  • Trembling body
  • Twitching or stiff muscles
  • Panting
  • Changes in posture, such as not lifting their head or holding it below the shoulders or hunched
  • Mobility issues include limping, walking slower than usual, or reluctance to get up, walk, or lie down.

Behavioral Changes that May Indicate That Your Dog is in Pain

A dog in pain may exhibit certain behavioral changes. Following are some of the behavioral signs that often indicate pain in dogs:

  • Restlessness
  • Aggression
  • Excessive vocalization – it may include whining, howling, yelping, groaning, or whimpering
  • Seeking more affection or getting withdrawn
  • Sleeping more than usual
  • Being less active than usual
  • Excessive licking
  • Licking or scratching a particular body part
  • Doesn’t want to be touched or cuddled
  • Decreased appetite

The Final Word

Dogs may be accustomed to hiding their pain, but this doesn’t mean they don’t show any signs of pain. Just like with humans, pain naturally affects dogs’ behavior, temperament, and activity levels. However, since they cannot express their pain like us, it can get hard to notice the signs of pain in dogs. The key is to observe your dog’s behavior closely and do not ignore any changes in it, no matter how little or unimportant they may appear. They may be an indication that your dog is suffering from pain.

Look out for the signs mentioned above and talk to a veterinarian or dog behavioral expert immediately if you notice any of them.

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